How do I choose between swimming and running?
Both swimming and running are excellent forms of exercise. It is very difficult to pick one of the two. People usually do a mix of both or pick one based on their preference or goals.
- Effect - Swimming is a full body exercise. In addition to leg kicking, upper body(arms and shoulders) also needs to work hard to drive forward. Running is more of a lower body exercise. Core needs to be strong to have a good running form. But while running, upper body is less used compared to lower body.
- Injury - Running is more injury prone. Gravity takes its toll while running. Every step during running, creates a reaction force from the ground which travels up the body and can lead to injuries. Depending on the running speed, the force can be up-to 4G (4 times the body weight). And for the same reason, lots of strength training should go with running. But while swimming, because of the buoyancy of water, gravity won’t cause any trouble. Hence swimming is usually recommended for people who are heavy.
- Cardio - Both are excellent for Cardio, that cranks up the heart rate and improve the lung capacity.
- Gear/Accessibility - Running can be done at any place any time with minimum gears (Minimalist runners even run barefoot). Swimming requires a pool which may not be easily available. Cap and goggles are a must in most pools.
- Boredom - This is my personal opinion. I find doing laps in swimming pool boring, compared to running outdoors. While running outdoors, you get the opportunity to view the scenery, especially if you are running on scenic routes. Also while running, you get more of a feeling that you are making progress (provided you are not doing laps in a track). Outdoor swimming may be a different feel all together. But since I haven’t done that, I can’t comment on it.
- Technique - Technique is very important in swimming. Without knowing the minimum technique, we won’t be able to swim for long. Don’t get me wrong. Running also needs good technique, but it is something that come naturally to us. Also we can do good enough running without the best technique.
- Runners High - I have got Runner’s high many a times which is a wonderful feeling. But I haven’t and I’m not aware of any similar phenomena that can happen during swimming.
- Life saving - Yeah, knowing to swim can save oneself from drowning in case of accidents.
I like both swimming and running. But my favorite among the two is running. I have did lots of running. As part of cross training, I do swimming as well. Also, in case I get injured while running, I do swimming which helps me recover and also keeps me fit.
As I said in the beginning, both swimming and running has its benefits. To pick one of the two is a matter of personal preference and goals.
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